Georgian Post

Georgian Post is the company responsible for postal service in Georgia.


Georgian Post has a long history. It is a well-known fact that from the ancient time transmission of information was provided by "couriers" and "messengers" in Georgia, which was mentioned in "Kartlis Tskhovreba" for several times. At the end of XIX century, important representative of the Georgian Economy Mentality Ioane Batonishvili, who wrote rules of reform of the State structure, thought that the arrangement of the post office stations would be necessary for people and profitable for the Treasury.

It was impossible to increase the exchange of items without post office and he requested for establishment of the Post and foundation of the Post offices. He wrote: "Post offices must be established on three places: in Kartli, Kakheti and Tatrebi".

First Georgian mail transportation is related to the name of "Georgian Carriage". "Georgian Carriage" is exhibited in the Central Museum of Communication named by "Popov" (Saint-Petersburg) with the ancient mail transportation facilities. The bulls harnessed in the Carriage carried the big postal parcels heavily. Two Georgians went at the front of the Carriage. Transportation of mail sent by post with the Georgian Carriage has attracted attention in different countries. In 1900, the book translated from German into Russian - "Technology and Industry" (volume X) provides the description of several unique samples of the Berlin Postal Museum, it was said: In this museum "Pictures of transportation with Georgian Carriage" from the samples of Russia deserve special interest. It is clear, that the Georgian Carriage took its place in the world among the first transportation facilities. One of a catalogue of the "Popov" museum informs: in Chicago, at the exhibition of the World Postal Mail, held in 1893, the model of the Georgian Postal Carriage and the painting of postal mail transportation in Caucasus was displayed in the section of Russia. In Georgia the development of mail service was directly connected to the improvement of mail transportation through the Caucasus - from Georgia to Russia.

In 1804 transmission of mail between Vladikavkaz and Tbilisi was available only via horse race.

In 1805 the first Postal Office was opened in Tbilisi.

In 1826 additionally 120 horses were added for the Post transmission.

In 1832 some of the routes of Georgia Postal stations were the property of private persons, but since 1836 transmission of postal stations to the enterprise has started.

In 1840 XII postal region was created and the regions of «Kartli-Imereti» and Kaspi have entered in this region. In 1857 according to the request of the head of region (N. Kakhanov) the post office was opened in Tbilisi. Kakhanov had made several reforms in postal business during two months. It is very interesting, that the issue of "Stamp of Tbilisi" was connected to his name.

In 1862 building of 11 new stations between the Vladikavkaz and Tbilisi has began.

In 1870 - the number of horses were increased up to 652 in the postal stations of Tbilisi, Mtskheta, Dusheti, Phassanauri, Kazbegi, Larssi, Balta and Vladikavkaz. The progressive society of Georgia carefully paid attention to circulation of mail on the military road. At this case the activity of technical society of Russia for the development of mail circulation on the military road of Georgia was very important. Famous scientist and engineer in Georgia and in Russia, Chairman of this section Mr. M. Garsevanishvili carried the session on December 14th, 1876, at which he provided the examples of mail delay from St. Petersburg, especially towards the directions of Kvishkheti and Kazbegi, because of snow and avalanche, for this case the leadership of eight region of the route circulation had contacted Petersburg with the propose, that if the delivery of mail in Tbilisi was delayed for 5 days, they had to send with the transit of Temur-Khan-Shura, Derbet, Baku, Elizavetopol, instead of 200 verst, 1211 verst.

In 1879 newspaper "Droeba" (S. Meskhi - article "Upochtoba") wrote - the big part of Georgia, except cities and villages which are settled on the railway, the mail arrives only two or three times in a week. I think that this is the time, when our Postal Administration and Government have to pay attention to the situation. Our life is not the same that it was twenty years ago. Trade and industry grows day after day in our country, the schools are growing every day, the number of the men is growing, who have enough knowledge how to read and write, who want to know the postal news, and especially the circulation and relation of peoples between various regions becomes more often. Besides, direct road of mail and correspondence for the government is also very important". He thought that it would be better to raise the price of sending of mails, for the organization developing. "If only we had Post, if only we can receive the mails, books and magazines in time and nobody will take care for money" wrote the newspaper.

In 1886 they opened the road of mail to the direction of Racha-Lechkhumi - "the men have met the road of Post cheerfully" writes the newspaper "Iveria".

In 1886 they founded the post office in Mtskhéta.

1893 (newspaper "Iveria") – Special attention was paid to organization of the postal offices in villages.

In 1901 (newspaper "Iveria") - the postal offices were opened in Akhmeta and Ikalto.

By the state of 1913, 108 post offices functioned in Georgia.

Since 1894 transfer of money was provided consequently: - the sender should bring money to the post office, post office gave the receipt to the sender and after that the coupon was sent to the addressee, with it he could take money from post office. Approximately 1000 Maneti were sent by this rule (Newspaper "Iveria" N229).

Newspaper of I. Chavchavadzé "Iveria" paid attention to the event that the post brought peoples closer, developed trade, and gave education to the peoples. In the different parts of Georgia and particularly in villages, opening of the post offices and enlargement of postal network was of big importance.

The postal connection network has developed and increased step by step and nowadays in the process of unexampled enlargement of exploitation of the means of electronic communication, Georgian Post founded in 1995, with the government share fraction of 100% and which founder is "Georgian Ministry of Communication and Post", again keeps its universal place, by providing the universal postal service on the whole territory of Georgia.  

Georgia is the member country of Universal Postal Union since 1993. Membership of this union is very important for Georgia, because it gives a possibility to integrate postal network of the country into the network of the Universal Postal Union.


Georgia Post Ltd provides:

- Receiving, sending and delivery of Postal items (Letters, Parcels, Small packets, Postal Cards, items in wrapper, Printing editions) inside of the country and abroad by means of the Universal Postal Union and Georgian Express Mail Service (EMS).

- Receiving of the Communal Service Payments.

- Sending of Money Order inside the country, to the direction of Japan, Turkey, Greece, Belgium, Lithuania, Latvia and CIS countries.

- Telegraphic Service inside of the country to the direction of Rural and Regional Centers.

- Telephone Service using the call-boxes both inside of the country and abroad.

- Since 2005 Georgian Post Ltd provides the Courier Service, which guarantees delivery of postal items during 24 hours inside of Tbilisi and within the whole country during 72 hours.

- Service of direct post – distribution of informational and advertising booklets at the operational halls was implemented.

Georgian Post Ltd combines into its structure:

„Georgian International Express Mail Service" was established on March the 1st, 2001. EMS is a member of the World Network of "Express Mail Services". It provides sending of letters and parcels to the direction of 200 countries and delivers inbound items received by EMS network to the direction of all Georgian regions. EMS has the branches in: Kutaisi, Batumi, Poti, Gori, Marneuli. Items are insured by insurance company "IC group".